Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Management Library

Open until 8pm - Full Hours /

Alumni and Friends

Use of Materials Off-Campus

Cornell alumni have access to a selection of business research resources. You may need to set up your Alumni NetID to access these databases. If you don’t have your Cornell alumni NetID and activation code, please call (607) 254-2288, Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST to have your activation code issued. 

Business Source: Alumni Edition has a business and management focus and includes industry reports, global and country reports, and trade publications.

Hospitality & Tourism Index™ (HTI) contains scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.

Mergent Archives  lets you access a vast archive of corporate annual reports and Moody’s manuals.

Sports Market Analytics contains news and market research covering sporting goods equipment, industry issues such as finance, licensing, marketing, sponsorship, broadcasting, and ratings. Alumni account access cannot be shared.

In addition to the business resources listed above, Cornell alumni also have access to:

JSTOR for Alumni includes full-text content of more than 1,300 academic journals, and thousands of primary sources. 

Academic Search Alumni Edition provides full-text access for more than 3,350 journals as well as indexing and abstracting for more than 8,300 journals. The database offers information in nearly every area of academic study.

Morgan & Claypool Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science lectures and books on artificial intelligence, communication networks, electrical engineering, and life sciences.

Sage Journals  and Sage Knowledge which provide journals and reference works.

Hein Online for legal research. 

Other library licensed resources for alumni covering fashion, mathematics, academic areas of research, and archives.  

Free resources: Government, NGO, and industry association websites often contain valuable business information. We would be happy to provide additional suggestions that may address specific alumni questions

Use of Materials Within the Library

Cornell alumni have on-site access to most library resources. Some exceptions apply including, but not limited to: Capital IQ, Mintel, Pitchbook, Workspace (Datastream & SDC), and Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS). Ask us for more information.

Research Assistance and Consultations

We will provide business research consultations in-person, by e-mail or phone (607-255-3389) during research hours to assist you with career research and help you locate business resources available in your area.

Other Resources

Cornell alumni are encouraged to explore electronic collections of business resources offered by a local public library. It has become increasingly common for public libraries to offer remote access to databases like Business Source Complete, Hoover’s, and Factiva. For your convenience, we’ve included links to some of popular business database collections offered through public libraries:


We will provide business research consultations in-person, by e-mail or phone (607-255-3389) during research hours to assist you with career research and help you locate business resources available in your area.