How can I find data for Tompkins County (or Ithaca)?
There isn't one authoritative resource for local statistics. For Tompkins County information, we recommend the following resources, depending on the type of data you need:
- County Business Patterns provides industry data for Tompkins County and at the ZIP code level. It includes the number of business establishments, number of employees, and payroll figures, all at the industry (up to 4-digit SIC) level.
- New York State Statistical Yearbook provides county-level demographic data as well as election data, local government finance, health and human service data, and more.
- Mergent Intellect or Data Axle to build a list of companies in Ithaca or Tompkins County.
- The Census Bureau allows you to search by name of location.
- SimplyAnalytics is great for finding data on population, household, income, and spending potential data, with forecasts, available down to the Census block level.