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Management Library

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August 25, 2021


Research Support

August 18, 2020

The Management Library is happy to support your business research needs.  Need research guidance for courses, internships, and your career search? Reach out at MGTREF@CORNELL.EDU with questions or to set up a meeting. 

Featured Uncategorized

CQ Interactive

June 20, 2019

CQ Interactive provides practice case questions and drills as well as interview and resume advice. It is ideal for preparing for a consulting interview or any interview where you need to show off your thinking process, logic, and problem solving skills. See also the companion book Case in Point.



If you are travelling over break and looking for a few books to take with you, OverDrive allows you to download audio and ebooks to your mobile devices. Cornell’s collection includes business books as well as popular fiction. Other ebook options are available via Wiley, Springer, and more. Find all these titles in the library catalog.
