The Foundation Directory contains information about the largest public and private foundations in the U.S. and links to foundation web sites. Includes full text access...
Topics: directories, non-profit
Guidestar provides information on programs and finances of charities and nonprofits, news on philanthropy, and resources for donors and volunteers. Search by name, keyword, city...
Topics: directories, non-profit
Covering over 190 countries, Uniworld is a source for multinational business contact information. It allows screening for companies by industry, geographic location, size, or keyword....
Topics: directories, international
The Gale Directory Library provides online access to several publications including Brands and Their Companies, Business Rankings Annual, Consultants and Consulting Organizations Directory, Encyclopedia of...
Topics: directories
Leadership Connect allows screening for people, companies, and organizations by type, industry, job function, geographic location, size, or keyword. Ideal for searching NGOs, government agencies,...
Topics: careers, directories, non-profit, people
Mergent Intellect is a directory of worldwide business information (using D&B’s Hoover’s data) that enables you to access private and public U.S and international business...
Topics: company, directories, industry
If asked for your username, enter your Cornell email address. S&P’s Capital IQ is a premier financial database providing easy-to-use tools for financial statements, deals,...
Topics: company, directories, finance, industry, private equity