Technavio provides over 17,000 marketing research reports over 100 industry segments and over 800 niche and emerging technologies.
Topics: international, market research
Bureau van Dijk’s Orbis database has information on more than 310 million companies across the globe. Use Orbis to find, analyze, and compare companies.
Topics: company, international
For researching markets around the world, top resources include the International Trade Administration's Country Commercial Guides,, Passport (Euromonitor reports and data), CEIC Data, and OECD publications and data....
Topics: international
Bloomberg has an emerging markets display (EMKT) where you can obtain a variety of emerging markets information, including news, country statistics, economic statistics, country risk ratings,...
Topics: international
Passport (Euromonitor) covers more than 180 countries. It contains reports and statistics which include current and forecasted data on market size and market share and profile...
Topics: industry, international, market research
If you are looking for historical currency exchange rates, or rates against currencies other than the dollar in downloadable format, Workspace would be a good starting point...
Topics: finance, international
Bloomberg is the most comprehensive source for international financial market data, including commodities, currencies, indices, etc. Bloomberg has a variety of displays that provide extensive data...
Topics: finance, international
A number of government and official bodies collect and disseminate trade data. A good place to start for foreign trade statistics is the World Trade...
Topics: economics, international
Workspace provides economic, stock, index, commodity, currency, and other data and downloads in Excel format. CEIC Data provides access to 1.2 million macro-economic time series and statistics...
Topics: economics, international