National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs), produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), are a set of economic accounts that provide information on the...
Topics: economics
FRED from the St. Louis Federal Reserve is a great starting point for finding economic indicators. Most economic indicators are produced by government agencies and...
Topics: economics
A number of government and official bodies collect and disseminate trade data. A good place to start for foreign trade statistics is the World Trade...
Topics: economics, international
Workspace provides economic, stock, index, commodity, currency, and other data and downloads in Excel format. CEIC Data provides access to 1.2 million macro-economic time series and statistics...
Topics: economics, international
Bloomberg is an excellent source of international macroeconomic data. ECST (World Economic Statistics) will focus on macroeconomic data. For deep historical data, both Workspace and CEIC Data collect data from...
Topics: economics, featured, international
CEIC provides access to 1.2 million macro-economic time series and statistics from more than 50 countries. Contains 4 databases – Regional, China Premium, Sector information,...
Topics: commodities, economics, international
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is a non-profit organization that maintains a data archive (1930s to the present) of public opinion polls conducted...
EconLit is a database of the American Economic Association’s full-text journal articles, dissertations, and working paper series. Subjects include economic theory and practice, fiscal theory, econometrics,...
Topics: articles, economics, international
Description: provides a suite of products from the Economist Intelligence Unit covering international markets. City Data – pricing information on over 160 products and services...
Topics: demographics, economics, international, market research